HIGHLANDS.3 – Collective Approach of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Highlands

Grant agreement ID: 872328
Duration: January 1, 2020 – August 31, 2025
Funded under: H2020-EU.1.3.3.
Overall budget: € 2 484 000
EU contribution: € 2 484 000
Coordinated by: Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), Austria
Primary coodinator: Dr. Oliver Bender
Coordinator: Dr. Fernando Ruiz Peyré
Coordinating Assistant: Kevin Klar

The HIGHLANDS.3’ goal is to contribute to Inclusive Sustainable Development in Highlands (ISDH) through collective and impact-driven Research & Innovation (R&I), based on capacity building, sharing of local-global knowledge, experience, and tools. It will drive a co-innovation process through secondments and research and innovative sessions (R&IS) involving public/private and non-academic partners, to build a shared vision of ISDH, enhance the capacities of researchers, managers, users, policymakers, thus bridging the gap between research and development. Our activities will be organized in 5 integrated work packages (WP): Coordination & management (WP1); Methodology & capacity building for ISDH (WP2); Analysis, comparison and modelling of ISDH (WP3); Building a multi-actor ISDH Decision-Support Platform (DSP) (WP4); Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation of results (WP5). The project HIGHLANDS.3 consists of a network of 41 institutions including 30 partners from Europe (~35% non-academic), and skilled and motivated female and male researchers and local stakeholders. The work plan will run 8 successive R&IS (5 in Europe, 3 outside) to promote the exchange among participants as a foundation for innovation. Each R&IS will build upon collective learning principles and a holistic systemic approach, exposing participants to a wide range of world views that will encourage experimentation with practice. Each R&IS will focus on a particular aspect of sustainable highland development and will include collective learning, collaborative research, and capacity building on data collection/analysis, modelling. To complement the R&IS, long-term secondments will be implemented for researchers and practitioners to deeply train and work together on specific issues identified by the consortium. Collected data on ISDHs will be stored in an online collaborative and interactive decision-support platform that will then be transferred to existing mountain networks.


Work packages

WP1: Coordination and Management

Leaders: Fernando Ruiz Peyré (IGF/ÖAW, AT), Oliver Bender (IGF/ÖAW, AT) and
Jean-François Tourrand (TLS, FR)

WP2: Methods & Capacity Building for ISDH analysis and modelling

Leaders: Luis Santos (IPT, PT), Valentina Stoica (UBUC, RO) and Juan Maria Trillo (USC, ES)

WP3: Analysis, comparison and modelling of ISDH

Leaders: Marie Houdart (INRAE, FR) and Facundo Rojas (IANIGLA, AR)

WP4: Building a multi-stakeholder ISDH decision-support Platform (DSP)

Leaders: Jean-François Tourrand (TLS, FR), Valentina Stoica (UBUC, RO) and Valeria Paul Carril (USC, ES)

WP5: Communication, dissemination, and exploitation of results

Leaders: Emanuel de Castro (AGE, PT), Robert Hafner (UIBK, AT) and Davy McCracken (SRUC, UK)


WPs Graphik


Monitoring and Evaluation Committee

Lynda Allouche (Universite Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Algeria)
Gillian Bowser (Colorado State University, USA)
Martin Coy (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Bernard Hubert (INRAE, France)
Ruijun Long (Lanzhou University, China)
Martin Price (Perth College, United Kingdom)
Jorge Recharte (Instituto Montaña, Peru)
Liz Wedderburn (AgResearch, New Zealand)
Susanne Wymann (University of Bern, Switzerland)

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